Monday, November 12, 2007

and she wonders how she ever got here as she goes under again

I have been so busy with the family drama as of late that I haven't had much time to myself. I so wish I could tell you what happened to Dr. Mason, but I cannot. Just know that he is safe among us again.

Yesterday was a wonderful exception. I visited Caledon Penzance for the first time, it seems a festive place. I was quite impressed by the movie studio. I tried to find Emilly Orr's new storefront, but did not succeed. I did visit a Mayan exhibit in the town and spoke at length with the owner. He owns a scale model of a Mayan pyramid on a volcanic island. I sense an upcoming photo opportunity.

Speaking of which, I did have a modeling shoot at Xanthas last night. Sysperia had double-booked me with Lady Darkling,so I posed for Zoe Hartnell instead. The chemistry wasn't the same, but I think I had some good poses, including a "nude" in my brass shell, a maroon outfit in a gothic skin, and a Gigeresque jumpsuit with shades of pink and lavender. I do hope the photos turn out well.

Sysperia has asked me to host at Xanthas again on Fridays and Saturdays. I love the vibrant colors and clean lines of the place, an exact opposite of the decrepit, roach-infested warehouse my Demonfather's been hosting in.

After the shoot I paid a visit to Mr. Expedition Offcourse in Caledon Steam Sky City. I discussed my desire to have a flame retardant projector built into my exoskeletal arm, or at least some form of portable device to the same effect. An added bonus would be a scripted fire to extinguish. Dr. Mason tells me he saw just such a script in the Deadwood sim.

Koen has been sent to Transylvania on a mission by Bloodwing. Apparently, Dr. Jeremiah Mason's experiments with immortality included dabblings in Vampirism.

It's all so frustrating. Sometimes I feel like I'm playing one of Colonel Hotspur's silly card games where the rules change with every turn. Or that we're playing one of those carnival games where you try to "whack-a-mole", except I'm hammering Hydra's heads!


P.S. The mysterious red tide in Steelhead has subsided. So much for going against the Elements.

1 comment:

Emilly Orr said...

Well, two easy ways to find the storefront. First, look in the shop with all the half-completed projects. *giggles*

Or second, locate the Caledon Gaiety, Miss Gallindo's theatre. My dear daft-built Kaleidecopia is the blue house directly opposite, and the first store nearly directly on the other side of the street from it, is ours.

I still need to contact Mr. Ruffo, I haven't put in the second floor, but he's more than welcome to share vending space with us, I believe, once I do.

( tell me when the next show is? I can't go, of course, still banned. But at least I can quietly spread the word.)